Updated 03/08/2025

*** 03/08/2025 *** As you will read below, you do NOT have to register to use Wires-X on the repeaters.  However, if you have a radio capable of PDN mode, or an HRI-200 that you are going to register, you need to know that right now it is taking over two weeks for Yaesu to process device registrations.  I waited from 02/05/2025 until 02/28/2025 for a PDN registration change so you’ll have to be patient if you want to register a radio to use as a PDN or an HRI-200 interface.   During this 23 calendar days, there were 17 (Japanese) business days.  So, although there have been recent communications that it has taken 5-7 (Japanese) business days to process WiRES-X registrations, today’s real-world numbers are 17 Japanese business days.

I started a new registration for a brand new HRI-200 on 03/01/2025.  Now we will see how long that one takes for a Yaesu WiRES-X registration to be processed.

Based on the differences in the acceptance number assigned by Yaesu on the two registrations I have made, I have come to the following conclusions on the current amount of time it is taking to process Yaesu WiRES-X registrations. Using the two registration numbers I was issued, it appears that  Yaesu Musen in Japan receives roughly 962 monthly WiRES-X device registration applications. This is 31 per day. Currently, it is taking 17 Japanese business days to process (or 23 calendar days).  It also appears there is only one person responsible for making these reviews/approvals.  They, like anyone else, have time off, etc., so it makes sense as to why it is taking 23 calendar days to process approvals.

Remember, you ONLY need to register if you’re going to use that device as a PDN or an HRI-200.  If you are NOT going to use the radio standalone from the repeaters, then you DO NOT NEED to register to use the WiRES-X system.  If you do decide to register a device, you will want to watch this video by John Kruk at Yaesu by clicking here.

For the past year and a half or so, we’ve been using the Bartow 145.27/- repeater in Fusion mode only.  Without WiRES-X, the repeater has operated like any other analog FM repeater we have used.  It wasn’t connected to the Internet during that time, but as of 01/27/2025, the Bartow Fusion repeater has evolved into the Bartow WiRES-X repeater.

The Bartow repeater is set to be Fusion only, and no FM.  You will want to be in DN (Digital Narrow) mode in order to use and be heard in the WiRES-X rooms when it is connected.  If someone already has the repeater connected to a WiRES-X room, you can communicate with folks in the room without pressing the WiRES-X button and are in DN mode.

Over the course of the next few days, I’ll be adding links to videos, as well as command lists, for the radios I believe folks are using in our community.

Before we get into the individual radios and their use on Wires-X, one document I think you will find interesting and helpful is the WiRES-X Bible by WB7OEV, K9EQ, and HamOperator.com.  It covers a variety of radios and has screen examples.  So, if the videos or information below don’t help you, I suggest you visit the WiRES-X bible at https://tinyurl.com/wiresxbible.

There is some etiquette we can follow when we are using the WiRES-X repeater. As we get started, folks will be learning, and that’s great, so experiment and learn, and don’t worry, you can’t hurt anything.  Be sure to ask questions if you have them.  There will be plenty of people monitoring the repeater early on so put your call out there and I’m sure your question will get answered.

Etiquette when using a WiRES-X repeater

Some of the examples of good etiquette, used by the XRX Amateur Radio Club in New York are:

  • If the repeater is connected to another room or node, DO NOT CHANGE TO ANOTHER ROOM. It is where it is for a reason. Somebody is using it.
  • If connecting to another room, make contacts as desired, and DISCONNECT from the room when done.
  • Do not tie up the repeater so you can just listen to other rooms/repeaters in other areas. If you just want to listen, use/get a radio that supports PDN mode. Or, most popular rooms and repeaters have broadcastify support, you can listen all you want there.
  • The WiRES-X node is usually on a timeout timer, so don’t be surprised if it disconnects after some preset time (in our case, one hour).
  • If you are connected to another room, but not involved in a QSO, and local FM users start using the repeater, disconnect from any rooms so as to not create a mode conflict on the repeater.
Guidelines for WiRES-X Use
  • Press the WiRES-X button on your radio to connect to the node.
  • Use the search features of your radio to find a room or node to connect to.
  • Due to latency on the internet, is is good practice to wait a second or two after pressing the PTT button before speaking, and to hold the PTT for a second or two after finished speaking.
  • Also not a bad idea to say “over” or similar when done speaking.
  • When done with QSO – disconnect from the node or room.  Varies by radio, but press the * button on an FTM-400DR microphone to disconnect the node.
Noteworthy nets on WiRES-X
WiRES-X Room
Net Name
81609 –Florida–WCF–
East Pasco Amateur Radio Society
EPARS C4FM Fusion Net
21080 America-Link
International WiRES-X Fusion Net
28054 America’s Kansas City Wide
Parks on the Air (POTA) Net
Links to check active Nodes and Rooms

So, with the business part of WiRES-X out of the way, lets look at some radios and how they work with WiRES-X:

Yaesu FT-70

The Yaesu FT-70DR can do WiRES-X. It doesn’t have a dedicated set of WiRES-X buttons like some other Yaesu handhelds have like the FT2DR, FT3DR, or the popular FT5DR, but it CAN do WiRES-X nonetheless.

Below you will find a list of commands you can use on the FT-70DR to use WiRES-X, followed by a video you may want to check out on using these commands.

WiRES-X Shortcut Keys – Take note that the outside keys are the primary keys:

To enter WiRES-X mode, Press the <F> key, release, and then press the <AMS> key. Your radio will communicate with the repeater and you’ll be ready to send WiRES-X commands.  (Note: If you try and enter WiRES-X mode and it keeps flashing WIRES, you may not have a good signal connection with the repeater.  Should you end up on the Cn (connecting/connected room ID screen), you connection on WiRES-X has been established and you can move forward).

Now that you’re connected to WiRES-X, you can turn the dial and select from the following modes:

LcNode ID screen – this tells you what node (repeater) are connected to.  For the Bartow WiRES-X repeater, it will say WC4PEM.
CnConnecting/connected Room ID screen – if the repeater (node) is connected to a WiRES-X room, you will see that displayed on this screen.
C0 – The most recently connected to node/room screen.
C1-C5 – Your room/node stored (favorites) locations
En – Direct entry screen, where you will enter a room to connect.  This will let you key in the five digit room/node ID to connect to.

CONNECT to a stored room (favorite) – Turn the Dial to C1-C5 where the room is stored, then press the <AMS> key, and you will be connected to the room.

CONNECT to a non-stored room, simply turn the dial to the En position, type in the room number, then press the <AMS> key.

To STORE a number in your registered/stored list (favorite) , while you are connected to the room, simple press and HOLD down the number of the location you would like the room stored to.

To DISCONNECT from a room, press and HOLD down the <BAND> Key.

DONE with WiRES-X? Simply press and HOLD down the <MODE> key and you will be restored to normal radio operation.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FT1DR.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FT1DR WiRES-X instruction manual.

If you have a Yaesu FT1XDR. you can click here to download the manual for the FT1XDR.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FT2DR.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FT2DR WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FT3DR.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FT3DR WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FT5DR.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FT5DR WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaes FTM-100.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FTM-100 WiRES-X Instruction Manual


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FTM-200.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FTM-200 WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FTM-300.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FTM-300 WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FTM-400.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FTM-400 WiRES-X Instruction Manual.


First things first, Yaesu does make a WiRES-X instruction manual for the Yaesu FTM-500.  You can click here to download/view the Yaesu FTM-500 WiRES-X Instruction Manual.

Beyond using WiRES-X on a Repeater

So you’ve been using your local WiRES-X repeater and enjoy using the WiRES-X rooms.  However, you want to use and monitor them more extensively and don’t want to tie up the repeater for long periods of time.  Remember, best rule of thumb is, “the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or the one.”

If your radio is capable of being a node (PDN), then you’re half way there to getting into WiRES-X rooms on your own, using your own computer, with the WiRES-X software.

Up until this point, you didn’t have to register on the WiRES-X system because you’ve been using a repeater to get into the WiRES-X rooms.  However, if you have a radio, or a Yaesu HRI-200, and want to setup your own node to access WiRES-X, then you’ll need to register that device on WiRES-X.  The following short video by John Kruk from Yaesu explains this plainly.

Using your radio that is PDN capable is a great way to use the WiRES-X rooms without tying up the repeater for extended periods of time.

What do you need to do to use your radio as a PDN?  Follow these steps to first, see if you can use your radio as a PDN, and then obtain the cables and software necessary.

Portable Digital Node operation requires a compatible transceiver (FT5DR/DE, FT3DR/DE, FT2DR/DE, FTM500DR/DE,  FTM400XDR/XDE/DR/DE. FTM-300DR/DE, FTM-200DR/DE, or FTM-100DR/DE and a personal computer (Windows 8.1 or later) with a USB port.

Step 1: User registration (acquire an ID number)

  • During the registration process you’ll need to know your radios ID.  Here is a guide to help you find your radio’s ID:

*** Special note from Yaesu regarding the time it takes to register your radio or HRI-200 on the Wires-X system. It can take 5 to 7 business days, Japan time, for a DTMF Node/Room ID to be issued. Even longer if the information cannot be verified or we have a backlog. Recently Yaesu was doing some updates and optimization dealing with WiRES-X and their website (registration and active nodes/rooms) were offline due to the backlog of registrations.

Step 2: Install Wires-X Software to the PC that you can download from the Yaesu Wires-X Web site

Step 3: Install the connection cable USB driver for your respective radio

Step 4: Update the firmware of your transceiver

Step 5: Connect the transceiver to the PC

Depending on the transceiver used, one or more of the following connection cables is required:

    • SCU-57 or SCU-39 Wires-X Connection Cable Kit
      • SCU-57 or SCU-39 includes the SCU-55 or SCU-19, CT-44, and two audio cables
    • When connecting with the digital node station in the portable digital node mode
      • SCU-56 or SCU-20 PC Connection Cable
    • When communicating with a digital node station or an analog node station in the portable HRI mode via the Internet
      • SCU-58 or SCU-40 Wires-X Connection Cable Kit
        • (The SCU-58 or SCU-40 includes the SCU-56 or SCU-20 and an audio cable)
  • FTM-300DR/DE or FTM-200DR/DE
    • SCU-58 or SCU-40 Wires-X Connection Cable Kit
      • (The SCU-58 or SCU-40 includes the SCU-56 or SCU-20 and an audio cable)

***Note: If you’re just going to use your radio on a Wires-X repeater, and not setup your own node, then no Wires-X registration is necessary.

Common Questions