WCF Repeater Map

Welcome to the West Central Florida repeater map.  You can click on the menu icon on the left hand side of the title bar and select repeaters by type.  You can also expand the menu out by clicking on the small down arrow.  You can then select an individual repeater from the list and get the details for that repeater.  There is more information available other than just seeing the icons on the map.

*Note – since there are multiple repeaters at some locations, using the menu icon will help you expand the list, and then click on the individual repeater to display its information.

Repeaters (new/changes)

Below you will find changes that take place with repeaters in my area in West Central Florida. 

Updated 01/28/2025

Analog (FM)
N4EMH Hardee County Repeater is back online

After being knocked off the air by Hurricane Ian in September of 2022, the N4EMH repeater, located in Wauchula, FL, is now back on the air. Thank you to Richard, KQ4KX, as well as Darrell KT4WX, the Hardee County ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) repeater is now back on the air. The repeater is on 146.625 (-) with a PL tone of 127.3hz.

NI4CE Analog Linked Repeater System to Increase Coverage
The coverage map for the NI4CE ANALOG repeater system has been updated to include a new repeater that extends coverage on analog into Lee County where NXDN radio penetration is still limited. Our SKYWARN® footprint will now be increased thanks to the new Babcock repeater on 443.600 (+) with a PL tone of 100hz.

This new repeater is part of the NI4CE mission towards the advancement of Amateur Radio and emergency communications in West Central Florida.

This new repeater is ON-THE-AIR as of Tuesday, August 27th, 2024. Stay tuned for more information.

N4KEG 146.655 Repeater is temporarily OFF-THE-AIR
The Lakeland Highlands repeater 146.655 repeater is temporarily off-the-air. Please use the 147.375 for any mixed FM/P25 repeater needs you may have for this area.

Although the Bartow D-Star Gateway on 444.4875/+ has been on the air now for a few years, the repeater itself has been swapped out to a newer Icom ID-RP4010V  repeater.  The original is now a backup unit and the Gateway is now running on the newer unit since December of 2023. 

Indian Lake Estates W4VCO repeater – Joining the other Polk City and Welcome DMR repeaters is the 444.6875/+  DMR repeaters.  This is linked with the other W4VCO repeaters, as well as supporting popular talkgroups such as Florida Statewide 3112.  

Hardee (Wauchula) 442.325/+ – The UHF machine in Hardee County, located at Hardee County Emergency Management, is now back online. It is using a Yaesu DR-1X repeater and supports not only Fusion but also analog. The PL tone for the FM side of the repeater is 127.3.

Bartow 145.270/-     *** UPDATE AS OF 27JAN25 – The repeater is back online and is now, as of January 25, 2025, a Wires-X repeater ***The Bartow Fusion/Wires-X repeater, a collaboration between the Polk County Schools Radio Society, the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club, and Lake Wales Radio Amateurs, is on the air.  It’s current status is that it has been operating as a Fusion repeater for some time, is now registered on the Wires-X system node ID number of 94102, as WC4PEM/R.  The Internet ports for this repeater are in the process of being setup and it should be available as a new Wires-X Gateway soon!  


The NI4CE NXDN linked repeater system has once again had an upgrade.  The ever growing NXDN network, which during one stretch in 2023 put three new repeaters on the air in nine days, has a new upgraded Sumter repeater on the network.  The Sumter repeater on 442.0625 will be up and running on a new tower location site and coverage has greatly improved.  So, if you’re traveling to the north end of the NI4CE NXDN network, give the new 442.0625 repeater a try.  The antennas were hoisted and the system was online in late July 2024.  Enjoy!


The 146.655 repeater in Lakeland Highlands has had an expanded group of P25 users, thanks to the availability of some “never used” Icom radios, in the box, made available for a low price. These P25/FM radios are high quality. There may be some still available if you’d like to join the ranks of P25 in Polk County. Click here for the deal. *** As of 11/16/24, this repeater had been taken off the air temporarily. Anyone wishing to use P25 should use the 147.375 repeater, which is located at the same site.


The Lakeland SARNET repeater on 442.275/+ with a tone of 82.5 is operational, however, the connection to the SARNET system from the Lakeland  (FX1 site)  is poor.  Since some time in April, the repeater is receiving signals from SARNET, albeit weak and noisy.  Transmissions from the SARNET Lakeland repeater were being heard on SARNET, but reception of SARNET is noisy.  This could just be conditions but we have had times when our transmissions were not being heard on SARNET.

Thanks to Polk County Emergency Management, an alternative radio and antenna to access the SARNET system from the Polk County EOC has been provided.   While SARNET in Lakeland is down, our current plan until the link is repaired is to use the Tampa SARNET repeater on 442.850/+ with a tone of 146.2. 

The Sarasota SARNET repeater on 444.800/+ with a tone of 100.0 is no longer operational.  FDOT is rebuilding the Fruitville Rd. interchange, and the current tower will be removed.  This could easily be a year or more.  There is no guarantee that there will be space to relocate a new tower.  They are looking for someone who has an existing high repeater site that may be able to get it on the network, but there are no guarantees.