
D-STAR was the first digital voice and data protocol specification for amateur radio that was designed specifically for amateur radio. There are other digital modes that have been adapted for use by amateurs, but D-STAR was the first that was designed specifically for amateur radio

D-STAR stands for Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio. It is a digital voice and data protocol designed for amateur radio. The system was developed in the late 1990s by the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) in an effort to find new ways to bring digital technology to amateur radio.

Within the D-STAR Digital Voice protocol standards (DV), voice audio is encoded as a 3600 bit/s data stream using proprietary AMBE encoding, with 1200 bit/s FEC, leaving 1200 bit/s for an additional data “path” between radios utilizing DV mode. DV is the D-STAR Voice Modulation mode.

Getting Started in D-Star

Getting started in D-Star is easier than some of the other modes as the radios are easy to come by. Like DMR or NXDN, that require an ID from radioid.net, D-Star just requires you to get a registration of your callsign on the system. You can click here to begin the process of registering on the D-Star system.

Radios are easier to come by than, lets say, NXDN, as both Icom and Kenwood (yes, Kenwood too with their new ID-75A), manufacture radios that work on the D-Star system. Many of the new Icom radios being released, including the new ID-50A HT, have are ready for you to get on the air in this digital mode.

How Does D-Star work?

Unlike DMR, D-Star is a very easy mode to use.  Instead of having a slew of channels setup with specific talkgroups on your radio like DMR, all you need is to have the repeater (Gateway) callsign in your radio on one memory channel and away you go. 

D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) is a digital voice and data communication system designed for amateur radio operators.

D-STAR offers a significant improvement in spectrum efficiency. It requires only a 6.25 kHz channel for voice and low-speed data signals, compared to the wider bandwidth 25 kHz used by analog wide-band FM.

Like Yaesu System Fusion/Wires-X, the repeater (Gateway) does all the work.  You simply send the command from your radio to connect to a reflector (what talk groups are called on D-Star), or to connect to a Gateway (which is a very cool feature, one I’ll talk about later about why I like D-Star for travel).

Like other digital modes, D-Star can be used without use of the Internet, and can be used locally on a repeater (Gateway), or via simplex.

D-Star has some other very cool features like sending messages, pictures, and one really cool feature called “Callsign Routing.”   An example of callsign routing is that I have a friend up in Michigan who moves around a lot between D-Star repeaters (Gateways).  He is usually always listening and if I want to try and get ahold of him, I simply put his callsign in the To: box, key the PTT on the repeater (Gateway), and call to him and say I am using Callsign Routing.  The D-Star system will route my transmission out to the last repeater (Gateway) he was using.  Pretty slick.

If D-Star is the Oldest, is it Still Being Used?

Yes, D-Star has been around for a while, but has seen a resurgence recently with newer radios with newer versions of the AMBE-2 codec being released. Kenwood has even jumped back in the D-Star game with their latest TH-D75A handheld radio. Kenwood also has the TH-D74A that has been available since November 2016 and is still a popular D-Star radio. Although the D74 is discontinued, it is still a very capable radio and could save you some $$$.

Icom’s latest radios coming out are all coming with D-Star, such as the IC-705, ID-50A, ID-52A, ID-52A Plus, ID-5100, and ID-9700.

With the inclusion of D-Star in their newest radios, people who haven’t used D-Star before are getting into the mode and realizing all of the benefits it offers.

Why I like D-Star

The funny thing about D-Star is that it is the oldest of the digital voice modes in amateur radio, and the last one I tried of all of them. I’m sorry I didn’t give it a look first, but perhaps working with the ups and downs of some other modes, I now appreciate the ease of use and features offered by the D-Star system.

Even with some radio amateurs like K0LWC saying that D-Star just doesn’t sound good (a statement made in his video titled “Ham Radio Digital Modes: Which Will Survive the Test of Time?”), I have to say I like its quality as compared to modes like DMR. With DMR it seems like I am always adjusting the volume potentiometer as the audio settings from hams on their rigs on DMR, or coming in using dongles, is all over the map. I won’t spend a lot of time on this, but the newer D-Star radios being used on D-Star sound fine to me.

One reason I like my D-Star radios is for travel. I know wherever I travel, and there is a D-Star repeater (Gateway), I can pull up whatever D-Star reflector I want to use and away I go. Unlike DMR, I don’t have to worry about which talkgroups the repeater owner supports or has available on it, I know I can find the reflector I need and get onto the D-Star system.

The other thing I like about D-Star when I travel is that I can connect up to my home repeater (Gateway) direct, whether it be through a hotspot or repeater (Gateway), and come out on my home area repeater as if I was on the repeater locally. This made a 1,200 mile trip for me go much faster not long ago as I spent time talking to folks I knew on my local repeater all the way home. I am also able to connect directly to the repeater (Gateway) of friends back in Michigan and chat with them on the repeater as if I was there. This makes contacting them easier as I am not trying to hunt them down on a reflector (or talkgroup) somewhere and that they will hear me even if the repeater (Gateway) is not connected to any particular reflector.

Although I don’t use the text messaging or sending pictures/photos feature of D-Star, I do use the Callsign Routing function. This makes contact hams I know who travel easier.

Another plus for me that newer D-Star radios have is the DR memory. It is digital memories that are stored in the radio that I have with repeaters across the country. I can simply travel, turn on the radio, select “Repeaters near me,” and utilize the local repeater (Gateway) and away I go.

Because many D-Star radios have GPS, I can also see how far away other radio amateurs I communicate with are away from me, and in what direction. This DPRS information is fed over to the amateur radio APRS system, so you’re location (if you want), will also be echoed out to APRS. Another cool feature without having to carry an additional device with you if you use APRS to report your location.

I have friends who jumped on board the DMR train when it became a cheap digital mode to get into, but they quickly became frustrated, sold their DMR gear, and are now strictly D-Star. Although I understand their frustrations, I try and stay on top of all the digital modes and use them, but do find myself primarily on D-Star or NXDN.

One other cool feature are the heard lists you can pull up and see who was last on your local repeater (Gateway) or reflector. For instance, I use the WC4PEM-B Gateway in Bartow, FL. You can click here and pull up the heard list for that. A reflector I also commonly use is Reflector 66D, and by clicking here, you can see who was last on there. Hint: Change the number in the URL for the reflector to view other reflectors, such as the busy 30 reflector. Reflector 30C is one of the busiest reflectors on D-Star.

Wrapping it all Up

That’s a quick rundown on D-Star. It’s only fair to say that I’m partial to D-Star. Because of the Repeater List (DR Mode) capabilities allowing me to pull up repeaters (both analog and digital) that are close to me using the radios GPS, it is the one radio I take with me when I travel. If I can only take one radio with me when I travel, it’s the D-Star radio.

Here is an important tip: When in DR mode, even if the repeater (Gateway) you are using isn’t connected to a reflector, have your To: box set to “Use Reflector.” This setting will allow anyone connected to the repeater (Gateway) with a hotspot to hear you, as well as anyone someone on your local repeater may be talking to if the repeater is connected to a reflector.

Check out the digital links sections for more information about D-Star.

D-Star Reflectors

Reflector                                 Usage Location Links Speed                  
REF001B     Status  
REF001C D-Star Mega Reflector   Status  
REF002A     Status  
REF003A Ad-hock & Emergency Use – Australia Australia Status  
REF003B Permalink for Repeaters, including all WIA Port B Repeaters – Australia Australia Status  
REF003C Australian Nets Australia Status  
REF004A Alternate for Southeastern US D-STAR Weather Net United States Status 1 Gbps
REF004B Texas Permalink Repeaters United States Status 1 Gbps
REF004C General Rag Chew (English only please) United States Status 1 Gbps
REF005A UK Nets, Permalink Repeaters London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF005C   London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF005D UKFMGW Net (North West UK Repeaters) London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF006A Scottish Net London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF006B   London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF006C German Net London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF006D   London, England Status Usage Guide Information 100 Mbps
REF007A   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF007B   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF007C   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF008A Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF008B Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF008C Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF008D Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF009A   AZ, United States Status  
REF009B   AZ, United States Status  
REF009C Arizona Permalink Repeaters AZ, United States Status  
REF010A Michigan General Use – No Politics MI, United States Status  
REF010B Practice for New D-Star Users MI, United States Status  
REF010C Michigan General Use – No Politics MI, United States Status  
REF011A   Italy Status  
REF011B   Italy Status  
REF011C   Italy Status  
REF012A Permalink Repeaters Southern CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF012B Papa System Southern CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF012C Papa System Southern CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF013A   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF013B   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF013C   London, England Status 100 Mbps
REF014A US west coast repeater linking NE, United States Status  
REF014B US west coast repeater linking NE, United States Status  
REF014C US west coast repeater linking NE, United States Status  
REF015A Multimedia (non-DSTAR) London, England Status  
REF015B Multimedia (non-DSTAR) London, England Status  
REF015C Data Only – Worldwide use London, England Status  
REF016A Ottawa Link British Columbia, Canada Status 100 Mbps
REF016B Alberta Nets British Columbia, Canada Status 100 Mbps
REF016C General Amateur Use British Columbia, Canada Status 100 Mbps
REF017A Netherlands (Dutch Speaking repeaters,hotspots and dongles) Amsterdam, the Netherlands Status 100 Mbps
REF017B   Amsterdam, the Netherlands Status 100 Mbps
REF017C   Amsterdam, the Netherlands Status 100 Mbps
REF018A Brazil United States Status  
REF018B Brazil United States Status  
REF018C Brazil United States Status  
REF019A   WI, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF019B   WI, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF019C   WI, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF020A   NJ, United States Status  
REF020B   NJ, United States Status  
REF020C   NJ, United States Status  
REF021A Wales and the West Country London, England Status Web Site 1 Gbps
REF021B Midstar / Midlands London, England Status Web Site 1 Gbps
REF021C   London, England Status Web Site 1 Gbps
REF022A Nordic region – Finnish Espoo, Finland Status 1 Gbps
REF022B Nordic region – Swedish/Danish/Norwegian Espoo, Finland Status 1 Gbps
REF022C Nordic region – English/other activity Espoo, Finland Status 1 Gbps
REF023A   Australia Status  
REF023B   Australia Status  
REF023C   Australia Status  
REF024A Michigan ARES United States Status Web Site 100 Mbps
REF024B Indiana Permalink Repeaters United States Status Web Site 100 Mbps
REF024C General Use United States Status Web Site 100 Mbps
REF025A Public Service, Skywarn & Emergency Use Washington, DC, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF025B Mid-Atlantic Wide Area Net Washington, DC, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF025C Mid-Atlantic Linked Repeaters Washington, DC, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF026A General Use Vancouver, BC, Canada Status 1 Gbps
REF026B British Columbia D-Star Repeaters Vancouver, BC, Canada Status 1 Gbps
REF026C Provincial Emergency Radio Communications Vancouver, BC, Canada Status 1 Gbps
REF027A Italy Italy Status  
REF027B Italy Italy Status  
REF027C Italy Italy Status  
REF028A Belgium (Flemish Speaking Belgian repeaters, hotspots and dongles in Flanders area) Diest, Belgium Status 100 Mbps
REF028B Belgium (French Speaking Belgian repeaters, hotspots and dongles in Wallonia area) Diest, Belgium Status 100 Mbps
REF028C Belgium (Slow Data experiments like D-RATS,D-STAR TV…) Diest, Belgium Status 100 Mbps
REF029A Northern Utah General Usage and Linking UT, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF029B Northern Utah General Usage and Linking UT, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF029C Northern Utah General Usage and Linking UT, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF030A Georgia Special event use Atlanta, GA, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF030B Georgia Linked Repeaters (no out of state permalinking) Atlanta, GA, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF030C Wide area linked repeaters Atlanta, GA, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF030D Georgia digital data use (D-RATS) Atlanta, GA, United States Status  
REF031A   Sweden Status 1 Gbps
REF031B   Sweden Status 1 Gbps
REF031C   Sweden Status 1 Gbps
REF032A   Poland Status 1 Gbps
REF032B   Poland Status 1 Gbps
REF032C   Poland Status 1 Gbps
REF033A Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Dallas, TX, United States Status JOTA 1 Gbps
REF033B   Dallas, TX, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF033C Parks on the Air (POTA) Dallas, TX, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF034A Florida Jacksonville, FL, United States Status Contact 1 Gbps
REF034B Florida Jacksonville, FL, United States Status Contact 1 Gbps
REF034C Florida Jacksonville, FL, United States Status Contact 1 Gbps
REF035A Washington State WA. United States Status  
REF035B Washington State WA, United States Status  
REF035C Washington State WA, United States Status  
REF036A Midstar UK Worcester, United Kingdom Status 1 Gbps
REF036B Wales and West Country Groups Worcester, United Kingdom Status 1 Gbps
REF036C Dongle To Dongle and Raynet Worcester, United Kingdom Status 1 Gbps
REF037A Florida Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF037B Florida Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF037C Florida Repeaters Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF038A Ohio General Use Reflector MI, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF038B Ohio General Use Reflector MI, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF038C Ohio General Use Reflector MI, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF038D Special Use Reflector MI, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF039A Caribou RACES/CD ME, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF039B Crown of Maine/North Woods ME, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF039C Maine Statewide D-Star ME, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF039D Maine D-RATS/Digital Use ME, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF041A   Chicago, OH, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF041B   Chicago, OH, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF041C   Chicago, OH, UnitedStates Status 1 Gbps
REF042A   Prague, Czech Republic Status  
REF042B   Prague, Czech Replublic Status  
REF042C   Prague, Czech Republic Status  
REF043A   Gothenburg, Sweden Status  
REF043B   Gothenburg, Sweden Status  
REF043C   Gothenburg, Sweden Status  
REF044A   Seattle, WA, United States Status  
REF044B   Seattle, WA, United States Status  
REF044C   Seattle, WA, United States Status  
REF045A Emergency Calls Only (Worldwide Use) Athens, Greece Status 100 Mbps
REF045B Data Calls Only (Worldwide Use) Athens, Greece Status 100Mbps
REF045C Voice Calls Only (Worldwide Use – Primarily Greek Language) Athens, Greece Status 100 Mbps
REF046A Florida Statewide Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF046B Northwest Florida ARES Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF046C Rural Radio Preparedness Association Orlando, FL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF047A Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF047B Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF047C Japan G2 repeaters, DVDongles and DVAPs Japan Status  
REF048A Louisiana Statewide Ultimate D-STAR Shreveport, LA, United States Status  
REF048B Louisiana Statewide Ultimate D-STAR Shreveport, LA, United States Status  
REF048C Louisiana Statewide Ultimate D-STAR Shreveport, LA, United States Status  
REF049A North East US General Use/Nets MA, United States Status Website Admin 1 Gbps
REF049B North East US General Use Reflector MA, United States Status Website Admin 1 Gbps
REF049C North East US General Use/Nets MA, United States Status Website Admin 1 Gbps
REF049D North East US Special Use MA, United States Status Website Admin 1 Gbps
REF050A New England Repeaters Boston, MA, United States Status  
REF050B New England Repeaters Boston, MA, United States Status  
REF050C New England Repeaters Boston, MA, United States Status  
REF051A Emergency Communications Chicago, IL, United States Status  
REF051B Club and other non-emergency nets Chicago, IL, United States Status  
REF051C Casual Use / Ragchewing Chicago, IL, United States Status  
REF051D Chicago Area Repeaters Chicago, IL, United States Status  
REF052A Oklahoma Moreland, OK, United States Status  
REF052B Oklahoma Moreland, OK, United States Status  
REF052C Oklahoma Moreland, OK, United States Status  
REF053A General use Minneapolis, MN, United States Status 10 Mbps
REF053B Nets and general use Minneapolis, MN, United States Status 10 Mbps
REF053C SKYWARN, ARES/RACES, public service, nets and general use Minneapolis, MN, United States Status 10 Mbps
REF054A Carolinas General Use Charlotte, NC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF054B Carolinas EmComm Use / ARES Charlotte, NC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF054C Carolinas Repeaters Charlotte, NC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF055A New Mexico repeaters and surrounding states NM, United States Status  
REF055B New Mexico ARES, RACES, S&R, Skywarn NM, United States Status  
REF055C General Use NM, United States Status  
REF055D Data / D-RATS NM, United States Status  
REF056A Kentucky General Use KY, United States Status  
REF056B Kentucky General Use KY, United States Status  
REF056C Kentucky General Use KY, United States Status  
REF056D Kentucky Digital ONLY KY, United States Status  
REF058A Alabama General Use Auburn, AL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF058B Alabama Nets and Emergency Communications Auburn, AL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF058C Alabama General Use Auburn, AL, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF059A Missouri repeaters /EmComm St. Louis, MO, United States Status  
REF059B Missouri repeaters /EmComm St. Louis, MO, United States Status  
REF059C Missouri repeaters /EmComm St. Louis, MO, United States Status  
REF060A Tennessee EmComm/ARES Use Nashville, TN, United States Status  
REF060B Tennessee/Southeast repeaters Nashville, TN, United States Status  
REF060C Tennessee/Southeast repeaters Nashville, TN, United States Status  
REF060D Tennessee digital data use (D-RATS) Nashville, TN, United States Status  
REF061A South Carolina ARES/EmComm only Florence, SC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF061B South Carolina Repeater Linking & ARES/EmComm Florence, SC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF061C South Carolina Linked Repeaters Florence, SC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF061D South Carolina data use Florence, SC, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF062A Mid-Atlantic Regional Nets Hunt Valley, MD, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF062B Virginia Permalink Repeaters Hunt Valley, MD, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF062C Mid-Atlantic Repeaters Hunt Valley, MD, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF062D Mid-Atlantic Data Hunt Valley, MD, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF063A   Pittsburgh, PA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF063B   Pittsburgh, PA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF063C Western Pennsylvania Repeaters Pittsburgh, PA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF064A Near Narita Airport Repeaters Chiba, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF064B Near Narita Airport Repeaters Chiba, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF064C Near Narita Airport Repeaters Chiba, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF065A Worldwide HF DX Voice Spotting Asheville, NC United States Status Website 1 Gbps
REF065B Tech Hangar (HF-DXing Chat, Technology, General Aviation) Asheville, NC, United States Status Website 1 Gbps
REF065C North carolina Linked Repeaters Asheville, NC, United States Status Website 1 Gbps
REF065D North Carolina data use Asheville, NC, United States Status Website 1 Gbps
REF066A K5ELK, Elk City, Oklahoma Dallas, Texas, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF066B SW Oklahoma D-STAR Repeaters Dallas, TX, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF066C D-STAR on US Route 66 Dallas, TX, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF066D General Use Dallas, TX, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF067A HamWAN discussion and activities Memphis, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF067B Mid-South Nets Memphis, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF067C General use Memphis, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF067D Digital data use (D-RATS) Memphis, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF068A Italy Italy Status 1 Gbps
REF068B Italy Italy Status 1 Gbps
REF068C Italy Italy Status 1 Gbps
REF068D Italy Italy Status 1 Gbps
REF069A Emergency Use ONLY CT, United States Status Information 100 Mbps
REF069B General Use CT, United States Status Information 100 Mbps
REF069C CT DSTAR Group Northeast Network Permalink CT, United States Status Information 100 Mbps
REF069D Digital Data Use or other testing CT, United States Status Information 100 Mbps
REF070A General Use CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF070B Commuter Connection CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF070C The California Connection CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF070D The California Connection CA, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF071A Western part of Japan Yamaguchi, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF071B Western part of Japan Yamaguchi, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF071C Western part of Japan Yamaguchi, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF071D Western part of Japan Yamaguchi, Japan Status 100 Mbps
REF072A Northwest New Mexico NM, United States Status 100 Mbps
REF072B Northwest New Mexico NM, United States Status  
REF072C Northwest New Mexico NM, United States Status  
REF072D Northwest New Mexico NM, United States Status  
REF075A Spain Spain Status 100 Mbps
REF075B Spain Spain Status 100 Mbps
REF075C Spain Spain Status 100 Mbps
REF076A South side of Tokyo, North side of Yokohama Tokyo, Japan Status 200 Mbps
REF076B South side of Tokyo, North side of Yokohama Tokyo, Japan Status 200 Mbps
REF076C South side of Tokyo, North side of Yokohama Tokyo, Japan Status 200 Mbps
REF076D South side of Tokyo, North side of Yokohama Tokyo, Japan Status 200 Mbps
REF077A Tennessee Statewide Special Event Use Chattanooga, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF077B Tennessee Statewide Special Event Use Chattanooga, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF077C Tennessee Statewide Linked Repeaters Chattanooga, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF077D Tennessee Statewide Digital Data Use Chattanooga, TN, United States Status 1 Gbps
REF078A Digital Mode Training Vero Beach, Fl, United States Status  
REF078B WA4AKH / St. Lucie group Vero Beach, Fl, United States Status  
REF078C General Communications 1 Vero Beach, Fl, United States Status  
REF078D General Communications 2 Vero Beach, Fl, United States Status  
REF079A General UK Kent, UK Status  
REF079B SW UK Kent, UK Status  
REF079C SE UK Kent, UK Status  
REF079D NW UK Kent, UK Status  
REF080A Comunicazione Voce D-Star Italia Italia Status 300 Mbps
REF080B Sperimentazione Italia Status 300 Mbps
REF080C Sperimentazione Italia Status 300 Mbps
REF080D Sperimentazione Italia Status 300 Mbps
REF081A JP / OITA E-KYUSHU Oita, JP Status 1 Gbps
REF081B JP / OITA E-KYUSHU Oita, JP Status 1 Gbps
REF081C JP / OITA E-KYUSHU Oita, JP Status 1 Gbps
REF082A South Korea South Korea Status 1 Gbps
REF082B South Korea South Korea Status 1 Gbps
REF082C South Korea South Korea Status 1 Gbps
REF083A Latin America and Worldwide Buenos Aires, Argentina Status  
REF083B Latin America and Worldwide Buenos Aires, Argentina Status  
REF083C Latin America and Worldwide Buenos Aires, Argentina Status  
REF084A French Voice Network – Languages spoken French – English Toulouse, France Status 100 MBps
REF084B French Voice Network – Languages spoken French – English Toulouse, France Status 100 MBps
REF084C French Voice Network – Languages spoken French – English Toulouse, France Status 100 MBps
REF085A Asin Tech D-STAR Club – Taiwan Taoyaun, Taiwan Status  
REF085B Asin Tech D-STAR Club – Taiwan Taoyaun, Taiwan Status  
REF085C Asin Tech D-STAR Club – Taiwan Taoyaun, Taiwan Status  
REF086A Tennessee General Use Tennessee, United States Status  
REF086B Tennessee General Use Tennessee, United States Status  
REF086C Tennessee General Use Tennessee, United States Status  
REF087A General Use Thailand Status  
REF087B General Use Thailand Status  
REF087C General Use Thailand Status  
REF088A General Use Laguna Niguel, CA, United States Status  
REF088B General Use Laguna Niguel, CA, United States Status  
REF088C General Use Laguna Niguel, CA, United States Status  
REF089A Michigan ARES/RACES – SKYWARN – Emergency Communications MI, United States Status  
REF089B WA8BRO Backyard Repeater Club MI, United States Status  
REF089C Metro Detroit, Southeastern Michigan General Use MI, United States Status  
REF089D Michigan D-Star Technical / Nets MI, United States Status  
REF090A General Use AL, United States Status Information Contact Email 100 Mbps
REF090B Alabama Link AL, United States Status Information Contact Email 100 Mbps
REF090C ALERT Alabama AL, United States Status Information Contact Email 100 Mbps
REF090D General Use AL, United States Status Information Contact Email 100 Mbps
REF091C Australia Hobart, Australia Status  
REF092A Haiti Digital Communications League (HDCL) Haiti Status Information  
REF092B HH2MJF Haiti Status Information  
REF092C Haiti D-STAR Nationwide Haiti Status Information  
REF092D D-STAR DD Mode Haiti Status Information  
REF094B Relais D-STAR F5ZQT Pour SHTSF F6KOH France Status Information  
REF095A General Use Portugal Status  
REF095B   Portugal Status  
REF095C General Use Portugal Status  
REF095D Data Modes (D-Rats, D-SSTV and others) Portugal Status  
REF096A Austria General Use & Austria Net Innsbruck, Austria Status 100 Mbps
REF096C Austria Quick QSO’s Innsbruck, Austria Status 100 Mbps
REF096D Austria Digital Data and Pictures Innsbruck, Austria Status 100 Mbps
REF097A Virginia Statewide Perm Link Ashburn, VA United States Status  
REF097B Virginia Nets Ashburn, VA United States Status  
REF097C Virginia Special Events, Ad-Hoc Nets Ashburn, VA United States Status  
REF097D Digital Mode Ashburn, VA United States Status