Amateur Radio Emergency Service Links:
ARRL West Central Florida ARES

Winlink  (Learn it, know it, live it)
Florida Winlink Net
Polk ARES Winlink

ARES Resources:

ARES Manual (click here to view/download)
ARES Field Resources Manual (click here to view/download)
ARES Strategic Plan (click here to view/download)
ARES Training Resources (click here to view/download)

EMCOMM Training Resources

ARRL Training Courses – The ARRL has a number of courses you can take and receive certificates for online.  A good starter course to get you going in emergency communications is titled “Intro to Radio for Emergencies and Disasters.”  Click here to be taken to the ARRL training Web page.

SKYWARN®  – If you haven’t attended an in-person or online SKYWARN® training course in the past two years, you can take the recorded class online and receive your training certificate.  Click here visit the Tampa Bay SKYWARN® training and information page.  SKYWARN® is a registered trademark of NOAA’s National Weather Service.

SERT TRAC – Find training courses of interest at on the SERT TRAC site.  Register for an account and upload your previous training certificates, or perhaps sign up for an online course or perhaps an in-person training course.  Click here to login (or create an account).

FEMA – If you’re looking to take your ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, or ICS-800 (or another course online), you can click here and create a FEMA training account, as well as sign-in to your existing account (if you already have one).