So, you have an APRS capable radio and need to get it set up. Here is some helpful information along with some other Tips and Tricks for APRS.
If you’re new to APRS and would like an introduction to it, click here.
YouTube links to setup APRS on popular rigs that have built-in APRS capabilities:
Yes, you can use an interface such as a DigiRig to use a radio without APRS capabilities, but there are a number of rigs today with built-in APRS capabilities. Some of the following radios will beacon APRS positions, others have the ability to send and receive messages.
Here are some links on how to setup some of the popular rigs that have APRS built-in:
Alinco | |
DJ-MD5 HT | |
Anytone | |
AT-878 HT | |
AT-578 Mobile | |
Kenwood | |
TH-D74/75 HT | |
TM-D710 Mobile | |
OpenGD77 | |
OpenGD77 Radios | |
Yaesu | |
FT1D HT | |
FT2D HT | |
FT3D HT | |
FT5D HT | |
FTM100 Mobile | |
FTM200 Mobile | |
FTM300 Mobile | |
FTM400 Mobile | |
FTM500 Mobile | |
Where can you watch APRS activity?
Monitoring APRS activity on a map is fun and useful. Emergency communications, as well as public event communications utilize APRS maps to track where volunteers are.
Here are some links where you can monitor live APRS activity ( is the most popular).
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System), it’s more than just locations.
APRS is helpful with emergency communications and locating amateurs on the map. APRS can allow you to send and receive messages, request information such as weather forecasts, as well as store and forward messages to someone you know that may not have their station on the air at all times.
Here are some of the other functions you can do with APRS:
Send an SMS message to family/friends when other commercial power and/or phones are not available:
If you have the capability using an interface or radio that can send APRS messages, you can send a message to MAIL. In the body, use @phonenumber and your message and your SMS message will be sent to the @phonenumber you entered. Here is an example:
Msg: @8137051234 Hello Steve, all is ok. We have no power, Internet, or phone.
For more information on how this works, see the YouTube video at
Get weather forecasts off-the-grid via APRS using WXBOT or WXYO:
An example of receiving a weather forecast for your area would be to send a message to WXBOT and in the body of the text, put in your zip code. (You can also search using other criteria such as airport code, etc.)
For example:
Msg: 33806
This will return the weather for zip code 33806.
For more information, see the YouTube video at
Send an email message via APRS:
This one is pretty straightforward. Send a message to EMAIL and in the body of the message, type in the first email address, a space, and your message to be sent.
For example:
Msg: Hey Joe, I don’t have power or Internet. I am ok
For more information, see the YouTube video at
Get notified you have Winlink messages and read Winlink messages via APRS:
There is a little more to this process, so it would be good to watch the video at
You can check-in on Nets with APRS!
Every Thursday there is an APRS Net called #APRSThursday.
Learn more about this net at
You can use APRS even if you don’t have a radio or interface for APRS!
There are applications (apps) for your phone, whether it be an iPhone or Android, to use APRS.
For the iPhone, these apps are available in the AppStore:
* app
* Pocket Packet
* APRS Pro
* and others….
For Android, you’ll find APRSDroid in the Play Store. APRSDroid is simply the best APRS application for any mobile device. It can also be used with APRS-IS or connected to a radio via Bluetooth or a cable from your phone.
You can send a message from APRS to X (formerly Twitter)
There is an APRS to X unidirectional Gateway allowing you to send a message from APRS to X. Send your APRS message to WA1GOV-10 and your callsign and message will be posted on X by @wa1gov
Where can you learn more about APRS?
You’ll find more information at
Also, check out the YouTube video titled “What is APRS and how to use it on your ham radio at